All great advice and very useful to those of us living here. Thank you

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Thanks Jeffrey. I'm sure even among the Japanese, few people are as meticulous as Shimizu.

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Hi Gianni. I can't find an email address, so I'll reach out to you here.

Here's the link to my new zine. It's about movies. And haikus. 😄




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Currently looking to move to Japan in March, notably to the Nagano region for a year, and then to Hokkaido.

Gonna have to learn from you and Shimizu-san (I've been following his stack for some time), thanks for this disaster article.

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I think the Japanese Alps region is safer as far as earthquakes are concerned. Hokkaido used to be considered safe too but it was hit hard a few years back.

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Hmm, I guess, I still prefer Hokkaido as the weather is quite nice there. But will have to take into consideration your words

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Hokkaido is a beautiful island and a nice place to live as long as you don't mind long freezing-cold winters. I guess you also need a car.

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Hokkaido's warm, I'm from northern Canada. I honestly found their winter a little warm, and wished it was colder on my last visit hahaha.

So hope that conveys just how much I love winter.

As to cars, I got by fine with just the trains, but that was only to Sapporo. You make a good point, I'll make a note of that, thanks mon ami.

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Ah, okay then. Last weekend I met a couple from Quebec, and they said the same thing.

I don't think I could live in Hokkaido, and I would certainly freeze to death in Canada.

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Hahaha, yes we French of North America/Quebec come from a pretty Scandinavian area in terms of climate.

And I get it, my love for the cold is pretty unique. I won't lie when I've lived in the south I've had a lot of health issues, so I must confess that I have to live in a northern location. So that also plays a factor.

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I should really get one of these disaster bags ready for our home too. You never know when the big kanto earthquake will hit, and the shake this morning reminded me of that again.

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Yeah, too many earthquakes lately. I hope to be in the right place at the right time when it finally hits.

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