I envy your writing gig, Gianni! That kind of thing is considered a luxury here in Oz and you'd be expected to work for free.

It's always great to see what you're up to and your recent assignments are no exception. Have a great 2022. All the best.


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Thanks Astrogirl. Indeed, I was very lucky to land this job. Being a freelance writer is getting harder everywhere. In Japan, for instance, only one of the three English dailies publishes original stories (the other two mostly translate articles from the Japanese edition). As for Italy, it's like in Oz or even worse.

I wish you, all my friends and readers a wonderful 2022 full of energy, good health and creativity.

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Happy New Year, Gianni!

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Likewise, Jolene. I wish you a new year full of energy, good health and delicious sweets!

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