Great insight into the mentality and social conventions of the era - here, in Australia, we weren't any better! Monkey dancing to pop music is exactly what an uptight society needs in order to let go.

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How true! Unfortunately there's always someone who tries to impose his social dogmas on other people.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Gianni Simone

Great backstory details & look forward to the 3rd installment! A few of my English students in Tokyo had attended one the concerts. Another one said, "I could hear the Beatles from my college dorm room in Suidobashi while I was studying. The sound was very big." When I then asked her if she had tried to get a ticket, she replied, "Oh no. I wasn't that type of girl." Her not going on to say that her thinking later changed, I was left to wonder if perhaps her mind still contained some of the poison that some media outlets -- or more likely her conservative & fearful parents -- had instilled.

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When I'm finished with this long piece, I'm going to post an interview I did with a lady who attended three concerts out of five.

The mentality expressed by your student was typical of that period: young girls in Japan were not supposed to do such things as attending a rock concert with - god forbid - long-haired boys playing electric guitars.

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